Church Covenant
Church Covenant
I. We covenant to pursue a growing and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, fellowship, and Bible study.
II. We covenant to pursue honest relationships with our brothers and sisters at Rover Baptist Church for the purpose of encouragement in holiness, accountability in sin, and fellowship in love.
III. We covenant to be nurtured and fed through the corporate gatherings of the church.
IV. We covenant to make the weekly gathering of God’s people a first priority in our lives.
V. We covenant to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with those who do not believe in him and to pray for them and build relationships with them.
VI. We covenant to be faithful witnesses of Jesus’ love, holiness, and faithfulness in our homes, workplaces, and communities for the purpose of exalting Him and honoring His church.
VII. We covenant to lead lives of holiness and purity as those who live in the presence of God; to be zealous in doing good, quick to repent of sin, submissive in receiving godly correction, and loving in giving it.
VIII. We covenant to be faithful stewards of the spiritual gifts which are ours by the Holy Spirit and to use them for the encouragement and edification of His church.
IX. We covenant to be faithful stewards of the material gifts which are ours by the goodness of God our Father and to use them in a way that honors him and edifies His church.
X. We covenant to submit to one another in love and to pray for those who watch over our souls and support them by our obedience and loyalty to Jesus Christ and His church.
We covenant to fulfill all this as members of Rover Baptist Church, for the glory of God and the good of his people.